Mosquito Hunters of Fort Myers-Cape Coral
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Service van from Mosquito Hunters, a Mosquito Control Company in Saint James City.Without effective protection, your lawn is at risk of being invaded by a full range of harmful pests. Among all these critters, mosquitoes and no-see-ums can be some of the most troublesome. Not only can mosquitoes spread throughout your lawn relatively quickly, but they can also carry a long list of dangerous diseases. Fighting these pests alone isn’t always an option, which is where our team comes in. Below, we’ll go through some steps our mosquito control company takes to keep Saint James City, FL lawns protected.

How Our Mosquito Control Company Protects Local Lawns

To bring you the best protection possible, our mosquito control program is composed of three distinct steps. Here’s a quick overview of these individual steps and how they all contribute to bringing a lawn that you and your family can enjoy:

Fighting Active Populations

Populations of active mosquitoes pose the biggest threat, which is why it’s crucial to quickly address them. At Mosquito Hunters™, our team utilizes potent products and advanced application equipment to reduce your lawn’s mosquito and no-see-um activity by up to 95%. Our treatments allow you to quickly get back to spending time in your yard, without the looming threat of being covered in itchy, irritating bites.

Preventing Mosquitoes from Breeding

When you fail to attack mosquitoes at their larval stage, you can end up with a constant influx of these pests and a consistently-growing population. We use an anti-larval step in our mosquito control process to prevent mosquitoes from completing the breeding cycle, bringing you protection that lasts.

Reducing Breeding Grounds

Your yard can be home to several potential breeding grounds for mosquitoes if you’re not effectively managing your property. We’ll work with you to reduce potential breeding grounds by taking simple steps like addressing sources of standing water.

The Benefits of Working with Our Mosquito Control Company in Saint James City

Working with us gets you more than top-notch mosquito and no-see-um control. Our mosquito control company also offers services to help you protect your yard against mosquito and no-see-um pests that can be a nuisance and prevent you from being comfortable in your outdoor spaces.

Our mosquito control company serves homeowners and businesses in these areas:

To get started with our mosquito control company in Saint James City, contact us at (239) 984-1269 today!

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By providing the information on the form above, including phone number, and clicking submit, I consent to receive email messages and texts from Mosquito Hunters regarding the services they offer. I understand that my consent is not required to purchase Mosquito Hunters services and that the cancellation of the account does not automatically revoke this consent. Please note, you will be provided an opportunity to opt out of text messaging with any text message you receive. Read our privacy policy here

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Client Happiness Promise

If you are not happy with your service, just call us in between treatments and we will re-treat your property free of charge. For any reason. Period. We guarantee it.