Mosquito Hunters of Southlake-North Richland Hills-Grapevine
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Did you know that there are over 200 species of ticks in the U.S. and ticks can live as long as 200 days without food and water?

Ticks are not insects, they are actually classified as arachnids, or relatives of spiders, scorpions and mites. There are actually two types of ticks, hard and soft. Hard ticks live in the woods, shrubs and tall grass and they get onto people and pets by jumping.

The treatment of ticks on your property should be handled by a professional. A professional can help identify the type of ticks on your property and provide an efficient removal process.

The most common ticks include:

  • Deer/blacklegged ticks
  • Rocky Mountain Wood ticks
  • American Dog Tick
  • Brown Dog Tick
  • Lone Star Tick

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By providing the information on the form above, including phone number, and clicking submit, I consent to receive email messages and texts from Mosquito Hunters regarding the services they offer. I understand that my consent is not required to purchase Mosquito Hunters services and that the cancellation of the account does not automatically revoke this consent. Please note, you will be provided an opportunity to opt out of text messaging with any text message you receive. Read our privacy policy here

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If you are not happy with your service, just call us in between treatments and we will re-treat your property free of charge. For any reason. Period. We guarantee it.