Tick Prevention

You already trust us with taking care of your Mosquito problem, now we can help protect you and your loved ones against the dangers of tick bites.

Mosquito Hunters tick prevention and control program is a great way to protect your family and pets against tick-borne illnesses.

We are locally owned and operated, so we want our neighborhoods to be just as safe as yours when it comes to preventing tick bites from making our family and pets sick!

Mosquito Hunter owners playing with their pets in their yard.Tick

How Tick Prevention Keeps You And Your Family Safe

You’re probably wondering how we can help prevent ticks from biting you and your loved ones.

Ticks breed in groundcover, and when they’re hungry, they crawl up an unsuspecting host, like you or maybe your dog. This process is called “questing”

While our mosquito treatments target the plants where mosquitoes feed, like trees and shrubs, they don’t target where ticks hang out…below in the groundcover.

With our tick treatment, we target ticks at these groundcover sources, and knock them out before they latch onto another host.  Did we mention that our treatments are also pet-friendly?

In Addition To Our Treatments, Here Are Other Ways You Can Protect Yourself and Your Pets From Tick Bites:

Types of Ticks and Tickborne Illnesses

Our tick prevention service helps get rid of all types of ticks, including:

  • Lone Star Tick
  • Brown Dog Tick
  • American Dog Tick
  • Rocky Mountain Wood Tick
  • Deer Tick

Our tick control treatments eliminate ticks in your yard and the illnesses* they may spread,  such as:

  • Lyme Disease
  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
  • Anaplasmosis
  • Ehrlichiosis
  • Babesiosis
  • Tick-Borne Relapsing Fever
  • Southern Tick-Associated Rash Illness
  • Tularemia

If you become infected by a tick bite it may cause a variety of symptoms including: fever, headache, fatigue, rashes, nausea, vomiting, muscle pains, chills, coughing, and many others.*

Call Mosquito Hunters today at (855) 995-3366 for a free tick prevention quote, so you and your pets don’t end up “hosting” ticks for dinner!

Mosquito Hunters Expert Tips On Tick Removal

Learn the essential steps for safely removing a tick from yourself in this informative video.  Our expert guide ensures a quick and painless tick removal process, reducing the risk of infections.


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Client Happiness Promise

If you are not happy with your service, just call us in between treatments and we will re-treat your property free of charge. For any reason. Period. We guarantee it.

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