Image of Where Do Mosquitoes Go In the Winter?

Where Do Mosquitoes Go In the Winter?

Have you ever wondered why mosquitoes seem to disappear during the winter? It looks as if no matter how much time you spend outside they are nowhere to be found. While everyone is grateful for the reprieve from itchy bites, it’s important to know what this means for you long term. A recent news article from Wtok-TV debunked a common misconception about Mosquitoes in cold weather.


Many people believe that mosquitos die out in the winter of Chicago due to the freezing temperatures. This is a common belief as the lack of mosquito bites leads people to believe that they are either dead or gone. They are actually in over-wintering mode which is the mosquito equivalent of hibernation. Instead, they spend winter hiding out in warm buildings and homes to seek shelter from the cold.


The real reason they aren’t biting isn’t that their dying but because female mosquitoes bite to use human blood proteins to produce their eggs. Since mosquitoes breed in stagnant water, they stop in the winter because the water freezes over.Their reproduction cycle is on pause because of the winter, but the eggs that are already laid will remain intact and will rise with the spring regardless of how cold the weather gets. Once the temperature warms up to above 50 degrees, they are hatched, and the process begins again. Female adult mosquitos can lay roughly 1,000 eggs in their lifetime, and they will carry the same diseases. If one Zika mosquito were to lay eggs, the virus could spread much faster. As such it’s essential to solve this issue before spring comes to prevent a significant population increase.

Get Rid of Your Mosquitos

While you may not be feeling the effects of mosquitoes around Chicago in the winter time, they are still here. For them, winter is an inconvenience that suspends activity until spring where they reboot. The effects winter grants us is a temporary relief, but when the spring comes, they will return at full force. Cold weather is not a form of mosquito control, but Mosquito Hunters Chicago can help give you a long-term solution. Help your family prepare for the upcoming mosquito season and call us at 1-855-995-3366 or visit our website for a quote.


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